.. _ref-docker-datasource-predictions: Add Predictions to a Datasource =============================== .. warning:: **The Docker Archive documentation is deprecated** The old workflow described in these docs will not be supported with new Lightly Worker versions above 2.6. Please switch to our `new documentation page `_ instead. Lightly can not only use images you provided in a datasource, but also predictions of a ML model on your images. They are used for active learning for selecting images based on the objects in them. Furthermore, object detection predictions can be used running Lightly on object level. By providing the predictions in the datasource, you have full control over them and they scale well to millions of samples. Furthermore, if you add new samples to your datasource, you can simultaneously add their predictions to the datasource. If you already have labels instead of predictions, you can treat them just as predictions and upload them the same way. .. note:: Note that working with predictions requires a minimum Lightly Worker of version 2.2. You can check your installed version of the Lightly Worker by running the :ref:`ref-docker-setup-sanity-check`. Predictions Folder Structure ---------------------------- In the following, we will outline the format of the predictions required by the Lightly docker. Everything regarding predictions will take place in a subdirectory of your configured datasource called `.lightly/predictions`. The general structure of this directory will look like this: .. code-block:: bash datasource/my_dataset + image_1.png + image_2.png + ... + image_N.png + .lightly/predictions/ + tasks.json + task_1/ + schema.json + image_1.json ... + image_N.json + task_2/ + schema.json + image_1.json ... + image_N.json Where each subdirectory corresponds to one prediction task (e.g. a classification task and an object detection task). All of the files are explained in the next sections. Prediction Tasks ---------------- To let Lightly know what kind of prediction tasks you want to work with, Lightly needs to know their names. It's very easy to let Lightly know which tasks exist: simply add a `tasks.json` in your storage bucket stored at the subdirectory `.lightly/predictions/`. The `tasks.json` file must include a list of your task names which must match name of the subdirectory where your prediction schemas will be located. .. note:: Only the task names listed within `tasks.json` will be considered. Please ensure that the task name corresponds with the location of your prediction schema. This allows you to specify which subfolder are considered by the Lightly docker. For example, let's say we are working with the following folder structure: .. code-block:: bash .lightly/predictions/ + tasks.json + classification_weather/ + schema.json ... + classification_scenery/ + schema.json ... + object_detection_people/ + schema.json ... + semantic_segmentation_cars/ + schema.json ... + some_directory_containing_irrelevant_things/ we can specify which subfolders contain relevant predictions in the `tasks.json`: .. code-block:: javascript :caption: .lightly/predictions/tasks.json [ "classification_weather", "classification_scenery", "object_detection_people", "semantic_segmentation_cars", ] .. note:: If you list a subfolder which doesn't contain a valid `schema.json` file, the Lightly docker will report an error! See below how to create a good `schema.json` file. Prediction Schema ----------------- For Lightly it's required to store a prediction schema. The schema defines the format of the predictions and helps the Lightly Platform to correctly identify and display classes. It also helps to prevent errors as all predictions which are loaded are validated against this schema. Every schema must include the type of the predictions for this task. For classification and object detection the prediction schema must also include all the categories and their corresponding ids. For other tasks, such as keypoint detection, it can be useful to store additional information like which keypoints are connected with each other by an edge. You can provide all this information to Lightly by adding a `schema.json` to the directory of the respective task. The schema.json file must have a key `categories` with a corresponding list of categories following the COCO annotation format. It must also have a key `task_type` indicating the type of the predictions. The `task_type` must be one of: - classification - object-detection - semantic-segmentation For example, let's say we are working with a classification model predicting the weather on an image. The three classes are sunny, clouded, and rainy. .. code-block:: javascript :caption: .lightly/predictions/classification_weather/schema.json { "task_type": "classification", "categories": [ { "id": 0, "name": "sunny" }, { "id": 1, "name": "clouded" }, { "id": 2, "name": "rainy" } ] } Prediction Files ---------------- Lightly requires a **single prediction file per image**. The file should be a .json following the format defined under :ref:`ref-prediction-format` and stored in the subdirectory `.lightly/predictions/${TASK_NAME}` in the storage bucket the dataset was configured with. In order to make sure Lightly can match the predictions to the correct source image, it's necessary to follow the naming convention: .. code-block:: bash # filename of the prediction for image FILENAME.EXT .lightly/predictions/${TASK_NAME}/${FILENAME}.json # example: my_image.png, classification .lightly/predictions/my_classification_task/my_image.json # example: my_subdir/my_image.png, classification .lightly/predictions/my_classification_task/my_subdir/my_image.json Prediction Files for Videos --------------------------- When working with videos, Lightly requires a prediction file per frame. Lightly uses a naming convention to identify frames: The filename of a frame consists of the video filename, the video format, and the frame number (padded to the length of the number of frames in the video) separated by hyphens. For example, for a video with 200 frames, the frame number will be padded to length three. For a video with 1000 frames, the frame number will be padded to length four (99 becomes 0099). .. code-block:: bash # filename of the predictions of the Xth frame of video FILENAME.EXT # with 200 frames (padding: len(str(200)) = 3) .lightly/predictions/${TASK_NAME}/${FILENAME}-${X:03d}-${EXT}.json # example: my_video.mp4, frame 99/200 .lightly/predictions/my_classification_task/my_video-099-mp4.json # example: my_subdir/my_video.mp4, frame 99/200 .lightly/predictions/my_classification_task/my_subdir/my_video-099-mp4.json .. _ref-prediction-format: Prediction Format ----------------- Predictions for an image must have a `file_name` and `predictions`. Here, `file_name` serves as a unique identifier to retrieve the image for which the predictions are made and predictions is a list of `Prediction Singletons` for the corresponding task. Example classification: .. code-block:: javascript :caption: .lightly/predictions/classification_weather/my_image.json { "file_name": "my_image.png", "predictions": [ // classes: [sunny, clouded, rainy] { "category_id": 0, "probabilities": [0.8, 0.1, 0.1] } ] } Example object detection: .. code-block:: javascript :caption: .lightly/predictions/object_detection/my_image.json { "file_name": "my_image.png", "predictions": [ // classes: [person, car] { "category_id": 0, "bbox": [140, 100, 80, 90], // x, y, w, h coordinates in pixels "score": 0.8 }, { "category_id": 1, "bbox": [...], "score": 0.9 }, { "category_id": 0, "bbox": [...], "score": 0.5 } ] } Example semantic segmentation: .. code-block:: javascript :caption: .lightly/predictions/semantic_segmentation_cars/my_image.json { "file_name": "my_image.png", "predictions": [ // classes: [background, car] { "category_id": 0, "segmentation": [100, 80, 90, 85, ...], //run length encoded binary segmentation mask "score": 0.8 }, { "category_id": 1, "segmentation": [...], "score": 0.9 }, ] } Note: The filename should always be the full path from the root directory. Prediction Singletons --------------------- The prediction singletons closely follow the `COCO results `_ format while dropping the `image_id`. Note the the `category_id` must be the same as the one defined in the schema and that the probabilities (if provided) must follow the order of the category ids. **Classification:** For classification, please use the following format: .. code-block:: javascript [{ "category_id" : int, "probabilities" : [p0, p1, ..., pN] // optional, sum up to 1.0 }] **Object Detection:** For detection with bounding boxes, please use the following format: .. code-block:: javascript [{ "category_id" : int, "bbox" : [x, y, width, height], // coordinates in pixels "score" : float, "probabilities" : [p0, p1, ..., pN] // optional, sum up to 1.0 }] The bounding box format follows the `COCO results `_ documentation. .. note:: Bounding Box coordinates are pixels measured from the top left image corner. **Semantic Segmentation:** For semantic segmentation, please use the following format: .. code-block:: javascript [{ "category_id" : int, "segmentation" : [int, int, ...], // run length encoded binary segmentation mask "score" : float, "probabilities" : [p0, p1, ..., pN] // optional, sum up to 1.0 }] Each segmentation prediction contains the binary mask for one category and a corresponding score. The score determines the likelihood of the segmentation belonging to that category. Optionally, a list of probabilities can be provided containing a probability for each category, indicating the likeliness that the segment belongs to that category. Segmentations are defined with binary masks where each pixel is either set to 0 or 1 if it belongs to the background or the object, respectively. The segmentation masks are compressed using run length encoding to reduce file size. Binary segmentation masks can be converted to the required format using the following function: .. code-block:: python import numpy as np def encode(binary_mask): """Encodes a (H, W) binary segmentation mask with run length encoding. The run length encoding is an array with counts of subsequent 0s and 1s in the binary mask. The first value in the array is always the count of initial 0s. Examples: >>> binary_mask = [ >>> [0, 0, 1, 1], >>> [0, 1, 1, 1], >>> [0, 0, 0, 1], >>> ] >>> encode(binary_mask) [2, 2, 1, 3, 3, 1] """ flat = np.concatenate(([-1], np.ravel(binary_mask), [-1])) borders = np.nonzero(np.diff(flat))[0] rle = np.diff(borders) if flat[1]: rle = np.concatenate(([0], rle)) return rle.tolist() Segmentation models oftentimes output a probability for each pixel and category. Storing such probabilities can quickly result in large file sizes if the input images have a high resolution. To reduce storage requirements, Lightly expects only a single score or probability per segmentation. If you have scores or probabilities for each pixel in the image, you have to first aggregate them into a single score/probability. We recommend to take either the median or mean score/probability over all pixels within the segmentation mask. The example below shows how pixelwise segmentation predictions can be converted to the format required by Lightly. .. code-block:: python # Make prediction for a single image. The output is assumed to be a tensor # with shape (categories, height, width). segmentation = model(image) # Most probable object category per pixel. category = segmentation.argmax(dim=0) # Convert to lightly predictions. predictions = [] for category_id in category.unique(): binary_mask = category == category_id median_score = segmentation[category_id, binary_mask].median() predictions.append({ 'category_id': int(category_id), 'segmentation': encode(binary_mask), 'score': float(median_score), }) prediction = { 'file_name': 'image_name.png', 'predictions': predictions, } .. note:: Support for keypoint detection is coming soon! Creating the predictions folder ------------------------------- For creating the predictions folder, we recommend writing a script that takes your predictions and saves them in the format just outlined. You can either save the predictions first on your local machine and then upload them to your datasource or save them directly to your datasource. As an example, the following script takes an object detection `COCO predictions file `_. It needs the path to the predictions file and the output directory where the `.lightly` folder should be created as input. Don't forget to change these 2 parameters at the top of the script. .. code-block:: python ### CHANGE THESE PARAMETERS output_filepath = "/path/to/create/.lightly/dir" annotation_filepath = "/path/to/_annotations.coco.json" ### Optionally change these parameters task_name = "my_object_detection_task" task_type = "object-detection" import json import os from pathlib import Path # create prediction directory path_predictions = os.path.join(output_filepath, '.lightly/predictions') Path(path_predictions).mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) # Create task.json path_task_json = os.path.join(path_predictions, 'tasks.json') tasks = [task_name] with open(path_task_json, 'w') as f: json.dump(tasks, f) # read coco annotations with open(annotation_filepath, 'r') as f: coco_dict = json.load(f) # Create schema.json for task path_predictions_task = os.path.join(path_predictions, tasks[0]) Path(path_predictions_task).mkdir(exist_ok=True) schema = { "task_type": task_type, "categories": coco_dict['categories'] } path_schema_json = os.path.join(path_predictions_task, 'schema.json') with open(path_schema_json, 'w') as f: json.dump(schema, f) # Create predictions themselves image_id_to_prediction = dict() for image in coco_dict['images']: prediction = { 'file_name': image['file_name'], 'predictions': [], } image_id_to_prediction[image['id']] = prediction for ann in coco_dict['annotations']: pred = { 'category_id': ann['category_id'], 'bbox': ann['bbox'], 'score': ann.get('score', 0) } image_id_to_prediction[ann['image_id']]['predictions'].append(pred) for prediction in image_id_to_prediction.values(): filename_prediction = os.path.splitext(prediction['file_name'])[0] + '.json' path_to_prediction = os.path.join(path_predictions_task, filename_prediction) with open(path_to_prediction, 'w') as f: json.dump(prediction, f)