ImageNet =================================== .. warning:: **The Docker Archive documentation is deprecated** The old workflow described in these docs will not be supported with new Lightly Worker versions above 2.6. Please switch to our `new documentation page `_ instead. Let's have a look at how to run the docker container to analyze and filter the famous ImageNet dataset. You can reproduce the sample report using the following command. .. code-block:: console docker run --gpus all --rm -it \ -v /datasets/imagenet/train/:/home/input_dir:ro \ -v /datasets/docker_imagenet_500k:/home/output_dir \ --ipc="host" \ lightly/worker:latest \ token=MYAWESOMETOKEN \ lightly.collate.input_size=64 \ lightly.loader.batch_size=256 \ lightly.loader.num_workers=8 \ lightly.trainer.max_epochs=0 \ stopping_condition.n_samples=500000 \ remove_exact_duplicates=True \ enable_corruptness_check=False The complete **processing time** was **04h 37m 02s**. The machine used for this experiment is a cloud instance with 8 cores, 30GB of RAM, and a V100 GPU. The dataset was stored on an SSD drive. You can also use the direct link for the `ImageNet `_ report. Combining Cityscapes with Kitti ================================ Using Lightly Docker and the datapool feature we can combine two datasets and ensure that we only keep the unique samples. .. code-block:: console docker run --shm-size="512m" --gpus all --rm -it \ -v /datasets/cityscapes/leftImg8bit/train/:/home/input_dir:ro \ -v /datasets/docker_out_cityscapes:/home/output_dir \ -v /datasets/docker_out_cityscapes:/home/shared_dir \ -e --ipc="host" --network="host" lightly/worker:latest \ token=MYAWESOMETOKEN lightly.loader.num_workers=8 \ stopping_condition.min_distance=0.2 remove_exact_duplicates=True \ enable_corruptness_check=False enable_training=True \ lightly.trainer.max_epochs=20 \ lightly.trainer.precision=32 lightly.loader.batch_size=256 \ lightly.collate.input_size=64 The report for running the command can be found here: :download:`Cityscapes.pdf <../resources/datapool_example_cityscapes.pdf>` Since the Cityscapes dataset has subfolders for the different cities Lightly Docker uses them as weak labels for the embedding plot as shown below. .. figure:: ../resources/cityscapes_scatter_umap_k_15_no_overlay.png :align: center :alt: some alt text Scatterplot of Cityscapes. Each color represents one of the 18 subfolders (cities) of the Cityscapes dataset. Now we can use the datapool and pre-trained model to select the interesting frames from Kitti and add them to Cityscapes: .. code-block:: console docker run --shm-size="512m" --gpus all --rm -it \ -v /datasets/kitti/training/image_2/:/home/input_dir:ro \ -v /datasets/docker_out_cityscapes:/home/output_dir \ -v /datasets/docker_out_cityscapes:/home/shared_dir \ -e --ipc="host" --network="host" lightly/worker:latest \ token=MYAWESOMETOKEN lightly.loader.num_workers=8 \ stopping_condition.min_distance=0.2 remove_exact_duplicates=True \ enable_corruptness_check=False enable_training=False \ lightly.trainer.max_epochs=20 \ lightly.trainer.precision=32 lightly.loader.batch_size=256 \ lightly.collate.input_size=64 We will end up with new plots in the report due to the datapool. The plots show the embeddings and highlight with blue color the samples which have been added from the new dataset. In our experiment, we see that Lighlty Docker added several new samples outside of the previous embedding distribution. This is great, since it shows that Cityscapes and Kitti have different data and we can combine the two datasets. .. figure:: ../resources/datapool_umap_scatter_before_threshold_0.2.png :align: center :alt: An example of the newly selected examples when we use stopping_condition.min_distance=0.2 An example of the newly selected examples when we use stopping_condition.min_distance=0.2. 7089 samples from Kitti have been added to our existing datapool. .. figure:: ../resources/datapool_umap_scatter_before_threshold_0.05.png :align: center :alt: An example of the newly selected examples when we use stopping_condition.min_distance=0.05 An example of the newly selected examples when we use stopping_condition.min_distance=0.05. 3598 samples from Kitti have been added to our existing datapool. The report for running the command can be found here: :download:`kitti_with_min_distance=0.2.pdf <../resources/datapool_example_kitti_threshold_0.2.pdf>` And the report for stopping condition mininum distance of 0.05: :download:`kitti_with_min_distance=0.05.pdf <../resources/datapool_example_kitti_threshold_0.05.pdf>`