LightlyOne Worker 2.6.5 Release Notes

Recommended Lightly Python Client version with LightlyOne Worker 2.6.5 is 1.4.5

Click on title to find detailed release notes!

Performance improvements

  • We only load predictions and metadata that match the relevant filenames. Previous versions loaded all available predictions which can cause longer download and therefore processing times.
  • The computation of active learning scores is now using multithreading. This yields to 10-30% faster computation of the scores.
  • We use a new API endpoint that creates a sample in the database and returns the signedURL in a single request. This reduces the number of API requests required during the upload of the dataset from two to one.
  • Switched the backend to use pillow-simd instead of pillow for faster image operations. This speeds up metadata computation and training of SSL models.

Bug fixes

  • There was a bug when providing model predictions. If one of the class probabilities is 0.0 there was an error. This edge case is now working. (this is an unlikely case as one would run the logits through a softmax/sigmoid layer)