
Lightly is a computer vision framework for self-supervised learning.

With Lightly you can train deep learning models using self-supervision. This means, that you don’t require any labels to train a model. Lightly has been built to help you understand and work with large unlabeled datasets. It is built on top of PyTorch and therefore fully compatible with other frameworks such as

The framework is structured into the following modules:

  • api:

    The lightly.api module handles communication with the Lightly web-app.

  • cli:

    The lightly.cli module provides a command-line interface for training self-supervised models and embedding images. Furthermore, the command-line tool can be used to upload and download images from/to the Lightly web-app.

  • core:

    The lightly.core module offers one-liners for simple self-supervised learning.

  • data:

    The module provides a dataset wrapper and collate functions. The collate functions are in charge of the data augmentations which are crucial for self-supervised learning.

  • loss:

    The lightly.loss module contains implementations of popular self-supervised training loss functions.

  • models:

    The lightly.models module holds the implementation of the ResNet as well as heads for self-supervised methods. It currently implements the heads of:

    • Barlow Twins

    • BYOL

    • MoCo

    • NNCLR

    • SimCLR

    • SimSiam

    • SwaV

  • transforms:

    The lightly.transforms module implements custom data transforms. Currently implements:

    • Gaussian Blur

    • Random Rotation

    • Random Solarization

  • utils:

    The lightly.utils package provides global utility methods. The io module contains utility to save and load embeddings in a format which is understood by the Lightly library.