
Supported Python versions

LightlySSL requires Python 3.7+. We recommend installing LightlySSL in a Linux or OSX environment.

Installing LightlySSL

You can install LightlySSL and its dependencies from PyPi with:

pip install lightly

We strongly recommend that you install LightlySSL in a dedicated virtualenv, to avoid conflicting with your system packages.


LightlySSL currently uses PyTorch as the underlying deep learning framework. On top of PyTorch we use Hydra for managing configurations and PyTorch Lightning for training models.

If you want to work with video files you need to additionally install PyAV.

pip install "lightly[video]"

If you want to work with the Masked Autoencoder you need to additionally install TIMM.

pip install "lightly[timm]"

Next Steps

Start with one of our tutorials: Tutorial 1: Structure Your Input