Tutorial 1: Structure Your Input

The modern-day open-source ecosystem has changed a lot over the years, and there are now many viable options for data pipelining. The torchvision.data submodule provides a robust implementation for most use cases, and the Hugging Face Hub has emerged as a growing collection of datasets that span a variety of domains and tasks. It you want to use your own data, the ability to quickly create datasets and dataloaders is of prime importance.

In this tutorial, we will provide a brief overview of the LightlyDataset and go through examples of using datasets from various open-source libraries such as PyTorch and Hugging Face with LightlySSL. We will also look into how we can create dataloaders for video tasks while incorporating weak labels.


The LightlyDataset class aims to provide a uniform data interface for all models and functions in the LightlySSL package. It allows us to create both image and video dataset classes with or without labels.

Supported File Types

Since LightlySSL uses Pillow for image loading, it supports all the image formats supported by Pillow.

LightlySSL uses torchvision and PyAV for video loading. The following formats are supported.

  • .mov, .mp4 and .avi

Unlabeled Image Datasets

Creating an unlabeled image dataset is the simplest and the most common use case.

Assuming all images are in a single directory, you can simply pass in the path to the directory containing all the images.

from lightly.data import LightlyDataset
from lightly.transforms import SimCLRTransform

transform = SimCLRTransform()
dataset = LightlyDataset(input_dir='image_dir/', transform=transform)


Internally each image will get assigned a default label of 0

Labeled Image Datasets

If you have (weak) labels for your images and if each label has its directory, then you can simply pass in the path to the parent directory, and the dataset class will assign each image its subdirectory as label.

# directory with subdirectories containing all images
+-- weak-label-1/
    +-- img-1.jpg
    +-- img-2.jpg
    +-- img-N1.jpg
+-- weak-label-2/
    +-- img-1.jpg
    +-- img-2.jpg
    +-- img-N2.jpg
+-- weak-label-10/
    +-- img-1.jpg
    +-- img-2.jpg
    +-- img-N10.jpg
from lightly.data import LightlyDataset
from lightly.transforms import SimCLRTransform

transform = SimCLRTransform()
labeled_dataset = LightlyDataset(input_dir='labeled_image_dir/', transform=transform)

Video Datasets

The LightlySSL package also has native support for videos (.mov, .mp4, and .avi file extensions are supported), without having to extract the frames first. This can save a lot of disk space as video files are typically strongly compressed. No matter if your videos are in one flat directory or distributed across subdirectories, you can simply pass the path into the LightlyDataset constructor.

An example for an input directory with videos could look like this:

+-- my_video_1.mov
+-- my_video_2.mp4
+-- subdir/
    +-- my_video_3.avi
    +-- my_video_4.avi
from lightly.data import LightlyDataset
from lightly.transforms import SimCLRTransform

transform = SimCLRTransform()
video_dataset = LightlyDataset(input_dir='video_dir/', transform=transform)

The dataset assigns each video frame its video as label.


To use video-specific features of LightlySSL download the necessary extra dependencies pip install “lightly[video]”. Furthermore, randomly accessing video frames is slower compared to accessing the extracted frames on disk. However, by working directly on video files, one can save a lot of disk space because the frames do not have to be extracted beforehand.

PyTorch Datasets

You can also use native torchvision datasets with LightlySSL directly. Just create a dataset as you normally would and apply transforms for greater control over the dataloader. For example, the SimCLR self-supervised learning method expects two views of an input image. To achieve this, we can use the SimCLRTransform while creating the dataset instance, which will lead to the dataloader returning two views per batch.

import torchvision
from lightly.transforms import SimCLRTransform

transform = SimCLRTransform(input_size=32, gaussian_blur=0.0)
dataset = torchvision.datasets.CIFAR10(
    "datasets/cifar10", download=True, transform=transform

Hugging Face Datasets

To use a dataset from the Hugging Face Hub 🤗, we can simply apply the desired transformations using the set_transform helper method and then create a native PyTorch dataloader.

import torch
from typing import Any, Dict
from datasets import load_dataset
from lightly.transforms import SimCLRTransform

dataset = load_dataset("uoft-cs/cifar10", trust_remote_code=True)

## Use pre-defined set of transformations from LightlySSL
transform = SimCLRTransform()

def apply_transform(batch: Dict[str, Any])-> Dict[str, Any]:
    Applies the given transform on all elements of batch["image"].
    assert "image" in example_batch, "batch must contain key 'image'"
    batch["image"] = [transform(img.convert("RGB")) for img in batch["image"]]
    return batch

dataloader = torch.utils.data.DataLoader(dataset["train"])

Image Augmentations

Many SSL methods leverage image augmentations to better learn invariances in the training process. For example, by using different crops of a given image, the SSL model will be trained to produce a representation that is invariant to these different crops. When using a operation such as grayscale or colorjitter as augmentation, it will produce a representation that is invariant to the color information 1.

We can use off the shelf augmentations from libraries like torchvision transforms and albumentations or the ones offered by LightlySSL’s transforms submodule while creating our datasets.

import albumentations as A
import torchvision.transforms as T
from albumentations.pytorch import ToTensorV2

from lightly.data import LightlyDataset

## Torchvision Transforms
torchvision_transform = T.Compose(

## Albumentation Transforms
albumentation_transform = A.Compose(
        A.CenterCrop(height=128, width=128),
        A.Normalize(mean=(0.485, 0.456, 0.406), std=(0.229, 0.224, 0.225)),

## Lightly Transforms
lightly_transform = SimCLRTransform()

# Datasets and transforms can be mixed and matched together:
dataset = LightlyDataset(input_dir="image_dir/", transform=torchvision_transform)
dataset = torchvision.datasets.CIFAR10("datasets/cifar10", transform=lightly_transform)


You can also create your own SSL augmentations, for more details please refer to Tutorial 5: Custom Augmentations


In this tutorial, we went through examples of using various open-source packages to create datasets and dataloaders with LightlySSL, and how they can be used in a training pipeline. We saw how LightlySSL is flexible enough to work with all major data sources, and how we can write training pipelines that work with any format.

Now that we are are familiar with creating datasets and dataloaders, lets’ jump right into training a model:

If you are looking for a use case that’s not covered by the above tutorials please let us know by creating an issue for it.


Section 3.1, Role of Data Augmentation. A Cookbook of Self-Supervised Learning (arXiv:2304.12210)