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Tutorial 6: Pre-train a Detectron2 Backbone with Lightly
In this tutorial we show how you can do self-supervised pre-training of a Detectron2 backbone with lightly. The focus of this tutorial is on how to get and store a pre-trained ResNet50 backbone of the popular Detectron2 framework. If you want to learn more about self-supervised learning in general, go check out the following tutorials:
What you will learn:
How to retrieve a Detectron2 ResNet50 backbone for pre-training
How to do self-supervised learning with the backbone
How to store the backbone in a checkpoint file which can be used by Detectron2
For many tasks in computer vision it can be beneficial to pre-train a neural network on a domain-specific dataset prior to finetuning it. For example, a retail detection network can be pre-trained with self-supervised learning on a large retail detection dataset. This way the neural network learns to extract relevant features from the images without requiring any annotations at all. As a consequence, it’s possible to finetune the network with only a handful of annotated images. This tutorial will guide you through the steps to pre-train a detection backbone from the popular Detectron2 framework.
For the purpose of this tutorial you will need to:
Install Lightly: Follow the instructions.
Install Detectron2: Follow the instructions.
Download a dataset for pre-training (we will use the Freiburg Groceries Dataset dataset). You can download it by cloning the Github repository and running Alternatively, you can use this download link
The Freiburg Groceries Dataset consists of 5000 256x256 RGB images of 25 food classes. Images show one or multiple instances of grocery products in shelves or similar scenarios.
Finally, you will need the Detectron2 configuration files. They are available here. In this tutorial we use a Faster RCNN with a feature pyramid network (FPN), so make sure you have the relevant file (Base-RCNN-FPN.yaml) in your directory.
Import the Python frameworks we need for this tutorial.
import torch
from detectron2 import config, modeling
from detectron2.checkpoint import DetectionCheckpointer
from import LightlyDataset
from lightly.loss import NTXentLoss
from lightly.models.modules import SimCLRProjectionHead
from lightly.transforms import SimCLRTransform
Let’s set the configuration parameters for our experiments.
We use a batch size of 512 and an input size of 128 in order to fit everything on the available amount of memory on our GPU (16GB). The number of features is set to the default output size of the ResNet50 backbone.
We only train for 5 epochs because the focus of this tutorial is on the integration with Detectron2.
num_workers = 8
batch_size = 512
input_size = 128
num_ftrs = 2048
seed = 1
max_epochs = 5
# use cuda if possible
device = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu"
You might have downloaded the dataset somewhere else or are using a different one. Set the path to the dataset accordingly. Additionally, make sure to set the path to the config file of the Detectron2 model you want to use. We will be using an RCNN with a feature pyramid network (FPN).
data_path = "/datasets/freiburg_groceries_dataset/images"
cfg_path = "./Base-RCNN-FPN.yaml"
Initialize the Detectron2 Model
The output of the Detectron2 ResNet50 backbone is a dictionary with the keys res1 through res5 (see the documentation). The keys correspond to the different stages of the ResNet. In this tutorial, we are only interested in the high-level abstractions from the last layer, res5. Therefore, we have to add an additional layer which picks the right output from the dictionary.
class SelectStage(torch.nn.Module):
"""Selects features from a given stage."""
def __init__(self, stage: str = "res5"):
self.stage = stage
def forward(self, x):
return x[self.stage]
Let’s load the config file and make some adjustments to ensure smooth training.
cfg = config.get_cfg()
# use cuda if possible
cfg.MODEL.DEVICE = device
# randomly initialize network
# detectron2 uses BGR by default but pytorch/torchvision use RGB
Next, we can build the Detectron2 model and extract the ResNet50 backbone as follows:
detmodel = modeling.build_model(cfg)
simclr_backbone = torch.nn.Sequential(
# res5 has shape bsz x 2048 x 4 x 4
The Detectron2 ResNet is missing the average pooling layer used to get a tensor of shape bsz x 2048. Therefore, we add an average pooling as in the PyTorch ResNet.
Finally, let’s build SimCLR around the backbone as shown in the other tutorials. For this, we only require an additional projection head.
projection_head = SimCLRProjectionHead(
Setup data augmentations and loaders
We start by defining the augmentations which should be used for training. We use the same ones as in the SimCLR paper but change the input size and minimum scale of the random crop to adjust to our dataset.
We don’t go into detail here about using the optimal augmentations. You can learn more about the different augmentations and learned invariances here: Advanced Concepts in Self-Supervised Learning.
transform = SimCLRTransform(input_size=input_size)
dataset_train_simclr = LightlyDataset(input_dir=data_path, transform=transform)
dataloader_train_simclr =
Self-supervised pre-training
Now all we need to do is define a loss and optimizer and start training!
criterion = NTXentLoss()
optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(
list(simclr_backbone.parameters()) + list(projection_head.parameters()),
for e in range(max_epochs):
mean_loss = 0.0
for (x0, x1), _, _ in dataloader_train_simclr:
x0 =
x1 =
y0 = projection_head(simclr_backbone(x0).flatten(start_dim=1))
y1 = projection_head(simclr_backbone(x1).flatten(start_dim=1))
# backpropagation
loss = criterion(y0, y1)
# update average loss
mean_loss += loss.detach().cpu().item() / len(dataloader_train_simclr)
print(f"[Epoch {e:2d}] Mean Loss = {mean_loss:.2f}")
[Epoch 0] Mean Loss = 7.06
[Epoch 1] Mean Loss = 6.85
[Epoch 2] Mean Loss = 6.72
[Epoch 3] Mean Loss = 6.65
[Epoch 4] Mean Loss = 6.58
Storing the checkpoint
Now, we can use the pre-trained backbone from the Detectron2 model. The code below shows how to save it as a Detectron2 checkpoint called my_model.pth.
# get the first module from the backbone (i.e. the detectron2 ResNet)
# backbone:
# L ResNet50
# L SelectStage
# L AdaptiveAvgPool2d
detmodel.backbone.bottom_up = simclr_backbone[0]
checkpointer = DetectionCheckpointer(detmodel, save_dir="./")"my_model")
Finetuning with Detectron2
The checkpoint from above can now be used by any Detectron2 script. For example, you can use the script in the Detectron2 tools:
python --config-file ../configs/COCO-InstanceSegmentation/mask_rcnn_R_50_FPN_1x.yaml \
MODEL.WEIGHTS path/to/my_model.pth \
MODEL.PIXEL_MEAN 123.675,116.280,103.530 \
MODEL.PIXEL_STD 58.395,57.120,57.375 \
The SimCLRTransform
applies an ImageNet
normalization of the input images by default. Therefore, we have to normalize
the input images at training time, too. Since Detectron2 uses an input space
in the range 0 - 255, we use the numbers above.
Since the model was pre-trained with images in the RGB input format, it’s necessary to set the permute the order of the pixel mean, and pixel std as shown above.
Next Steps
Want to learn more about our self-supervised models and how to choose augmentations properly? Check out our other tutorials:
Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 44.565 seconds)