Extract Diverse Video Frames


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The following example is a showcase how the lightly docker solution can be used to extract frames from a video based on their uniqueness rather than based on timestamps.

Using ffmpeg

Using tools such as ffmpeg we can extract frames from a video using a simple one-liner like this:

# extract all frames from video.mp4 as .png files and store in frames/ folder
ffmpeg -i video.mp4 frames/%d.png

ffmpeg allows us to use various flags to choose framerate, crop the images, resize the images or set the quality as shown here:

# set framerate to 5 fps
ffmpeg -i video.mp4 -filter:v "fps=5" frames/%d.png

# resize image to 256x256 pixels
ffmpeg -i video.mp4 -s 256x256 frames/%d.png

# extract frames as .jpg files
# high quality jpg compression
ffmpeg -i video.mp4 -qscale:v 1 frames/%d.jpg

# lower quality jpg compression
ffmpeg -i video.mp4 -qscale:v 5 frames/%d.jpg

# crop a 480x480 image with 80 pixels offset in x direction
ffmpeg -i video.mp4 -filter:v "crop=480:480:80:0" frames/%d.png

# and many more ...

However, the problem is the extracted frames sum up and use lots of storage. For most training tasks, we don’t even want to extract all the frames. Limiting the framerate is very easy and helps us reduce the amount of extracted data. On the other hand, even a video with 5 fps might contain lots of similar frames or even worse, we might miss some frames with lots of “action”.

Using Lightly Docker

Lightly Docker has been designed to give engineers an alternative to using fixed framerates for frame extraction.

How about selecting frames based on their similarity?

In this example, we use the following video: https://www.pexels.com/de-de/video/3719157/

We download the video to a local folder /dataset/video/. We can use wget in a terminal under linux or MacOS to download the video (just make sure you navigated to the directory where you want to download the video to).

Let us extract frames from the video using ffmpeg. We want to get 5 frames per second (fps). Create a new directory called /dataset/frames_ffmpeg/. Using ffmpeg we can extract the frames with the following command:

ffmpeg -i raw/video.mp4 -filter:v "fps=5" frames_ffmpeg/%d.png

Extracting the frames without introducing compression artifacts is using lots of storage. In this example, we have a small video of 6.4 MBytes. Once extracted, the .png frames together with the video consume 553.4 MBytes. This is a 70x increase!


ffmpeg extracted frames

Lightly using video


Storage Consumption

447 MBytes + 6.4 MBytes

6.4 MBytes



Why not extract the frames as compressed .jpg images? Extracting the frames as .jpg would indeed reduce storage consumption. The video from our example would end up using (14 MBytes + 6.4 MBytes). However, for critical applications where robustness and accuracy of the model are key, we have to think about the final system in production. Is your production system working with the raw camera stream (uncompressed) or with compressed frames (e.g. .jpg)? Very often we don’t have time to compress a frame in real-time systems or don’t want to introduce compression artifacts. You should also think about whether you want to train a model on compressed data whereas in production is runs using raw data.

Now we want to do the same using Lightly Docker. Since the ffmpeg command extracted 99 frames let’s extract 99 frames as well:

docker run --gpus all --rm -it -v /dataset/video/:/home/input_dir:ro \
    -v \/datasets/videos/docker_out:/home/output_dir \
    -v /datasets/docker_shared_dir:/home/shared_dir -e --ipc="host" \
    --network="host" lightly/worker:latest token=MYAWESOMETOKEN \
    lightly.collate.input_size=64 lightly.loader.batch_size=32 '
    lightly.loader.num_workers=8 lightly.trainer.max_epochs=10 \
    stopping_condition.n_samples=100 remove_exact_duplicates=True \
    enable_corruptness_check=False enable_training=False dump_dataset=True \

To perform a random selection we can simply replace coreset with random as our selected method. Note that coreset is the default method.

Let’s have a look at some statistics of the two obtained datasets:


original dataset

after ffmpeg

after random

after coreset

Number of Samples





L2 Distance (Mean)





L2 Distance (Min)





L2 Distance (Max)





L2 Distance (10th Percentile)





L2 Distance (90th Percentile)





We notice the following when looking at this table:

  • The min distance between two samples was 0 after ffmpeg selection whereas the min distance significantly increased using coreset selection strategy.

    • 0 distance means that there are at least two samples completely identical (e.g. two frames in the video are the same)

  • The mean distance between the original dataset, ffmpeg, as well as random selection, is very similar. The coreset selection however differs significantly with a higher mean (higher diversity) in the selected dataset.

  • The 10th percentile shows similar behavior to the mean distance.

As you see in this example just selecting every N-th frame is similar to selecting frames randomly. More sophisticated selection strategies, such as the coreset selection strategy, result in much higher sample diversity. The docker has been optimized for these selection strategies.


Note that by default the embeddings of the dataset will be normalized to unit vector length. Max L2 distance between two vectors is therefore 2.0 (two vectors pointing in opposite directions).