Custom Embeddings

LightlyOne allows you to customize the embeddings of your images fully (New in 2.3.15). This can be useful if you have a special image type that requires a different embedding model than the one which is provided in the LightlyOne Worker.

Let's assume the following structure for the Input datasource:

├── image_1.png
└── subdir/
    ├── image_2.png
    └── image_3.png

To provide the embeddings to the LightlyOne Worker, they have to be stored UTF-8 encoded as a CSV file to the LightlyOne datasource in the .lightly/embeddings/ directory:

└── .lightly/
    └── embeddings/
        └── custom_embeddings.csv

The embedding CSV file must be UTF-8 encoded and have the following format:


The entries in the filenames column must match the image filenames in the Input datasource. Every embedding dimension is stored as a separate column (embedding_0, embedding_1, ..., embedding_31) while the last column of the embedding file must be named labels and only contain the value 0 for all entries.


Number of Embedding Dimensions

The number of embedding dimensions can be customized by removing/adding more embedding columns in the CSV file. The number of dimensions must match the num_ftrs option in the lightly config (see below).

To schedule a run with custom embeddings, the embedding file's location must be passed in the worker config. The path of the embedding file must be relative to the .lightly/embeddings/ directory in the LightlyOne datasource.

from lightly.api import ApiWorkflowClient

# Create the LightlyOne client to connect to the API.
client = ApiWorkflowClient(token="MY_LIGHTLY_TOKEN", dataset_id="MY_DATASET_ID")

        "embeddings": "custom_embeddings.csv",
        "n_samples": 50,
        "strategies": [
                "input": {
                    "type": "EMBEDDINGS"
                "strategy": {
                    "type": "DIVERSITY"
        "model": {
            "num_ftrs": 32,  # Must match number of embedding dimensions.